Well we made it to the doctors appointment at 10am by just pure luck I tell ya. After last night I am surprised I am able to function at all. Aiden was awake til about 2:30am (he was doing better thil his cold now he is off track again) and Riley fell asleep for the night at about 1:00am BUT Morgan, Oh my little Miss Morgan, was up, awake, and not happy for most of it until 6:30am. YES people 6:30 in the morning. She finally fell asleep after 2 hours of laying on the side of me and either crying or laughing non stop. My crazy child was happy giggling talking up a storm one minute then having a break down the next! (Bipolar much?) LOL
Once she wa out I'd like to say it was seconds before I fell asleep, but it still took me about 20 mins. Partly cause I was forcing myself to stay awake that when I finally told my body i could sleep it didn't know what to do. Once I was out, Riley woke up to eat, so I finally got to go to sleep for real at 7:30 and the alarm went off at 8:30. I hit the button and fell back to sleep and by luck woke up to what I thought was a noise (probably in my head saying WAKE UP!!) and it was 9:40. We had to be at the doctors office for 10am. Everyone was sleeping, so I dashed in the bathroom, went potty, wached my face and brushed my teeth, woke Chuck up to get Aiden dressed. I changed diapers, made bottles, packed a mini bag, put the girls coats on over the jammies, stuck there hats on there heads, binkis in there mouth and strapped them in there seats. We mad it to the doctors by 10:10am. Not so bad, and thank god it's close, only a few miles away. If it were in Boston we'd never make it!
The girls got there vaccinations today, 3 shots and one oral vaccine. It was not a happy day for the kids. No one likes needles and they all had to get them.
I was also off on there weights, which I knew was possible. Since I weighed them on the home scale while I was holding each of them, and I think the scale was on the rug, not a hard floor, i figured i could be off a bit. The weird part was i still had Morgan heavier then Riley!
As you can guess, I was WRONG! Currently they girls are....
Riley weighed in at 15.2 pounds and 24.5 inches..
Morgan weighed in at 14.7 pounds and 23 inches..
They are getting so big so fast.. Riley is getting so long, I am not surprised at all that she grew much more then Morgan. Last appointment they were only a half an inch apart, now they're and inch and a half. I think Riley is going to be my little green bean. Considering Chuck is 6'4" and I'm 5'11" there is a pretty good chance we will have tall kids.
So the doc looked them over and said they look great. That I can start them on cereal, and I told him I already did. I didn't mention that I started them 2 months ago. (They needed it, they were eating every hour) and he also said I can start solids, meaning fruits and veggies. I already tried pears for the second time the other day. It was a mess but funny. I'm not too sure that they thought it was funny, but thye attempted to eat them. Morgan did better then Riley.
He said keep the same fruit or veggie for 3 to 5 days before changing to a new one, just in case they have a reaction you know what it's from, but I already knew this. SO it's baby food time, and I see lots of messes in my future. How cute are they going to look covered in food. HA HA
Now if I could only get these girls on a sleep schedule I'd be sooooooooo happy.. I don't know what I am doing wrong or if it's just time i need to give them. I even go so far as to try to keep them awake all day as much as I can considering I have 3 kids and I am the only one home with them all day until 10:30pm or midnight. But even when i do keep them awake, or they stay awake on there own, they still don't seem to sleep well at night. Most nights I will say Riley sleeps pretty good, occasionally we get a night like the other night when she is up til 4am and fussy, but it's unusual for her. Morgan on the other had is a lot harder. However I can't seem to get them both to sleep. I feel like I always have at least two kids up til late and then one is always awake til the wee hours of the morning. They are almost 4 and a half months old and no one can give me an idea of when it gets better. Any of you blogger moms have some advice??
Well fingers crossed that today and tonight goes well. I am exhaused, the kids all had shots, and are cranky. Aiden is being "clingy" and the girls just want attention. All this on 2 hrs sleep and an hour nap I got to take before Chuck went to work. Something has to give cause mom and dad are about to pass out. After all this time out of work, it's sad to say, i really need a vacation.. LOL