Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, May 7, 2007

March 7, 2007

So far so good (knock on wood).. We did the walk on the 5th and I took my time, did what I could and sat when I needed to (at the end) (you can see the pics on Aiden's blog).
Life has been normal since the procedure and besides streatching ligaments in areas I call the "unknown" the has been no pain or cramps. I do take it easy just from my past history, I don't walk all that much either. If I were not pregnant and didn't have a cerclage and didn't have the history I've had, i think I'd be out more with the nice weather walking, but luckly I have a baby boy who just loves being out side and doesn't need me pushing him all around creation. He is fine just sitting on the porch with me watching traffic go by.

I see the doctor on Wed (the 9th) and will have an ultra sound and check up. Hopefully all looks good the babies are growing strong and this cerclage is doing it's job. I'll let you all know what she says Wed, til then enjoy the weather, tomorrow is suppose to be 82 here in Boston.

1 comment:

Sarah Furlough said...

Thinking of you, and glad to hear the walk went well. I got a little choked up when I saw Chase's sign. It was definitely him telling you that he loves you and is always with you!

I am crossing my fingers for a good check-up tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about the twins!