Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 15, 2008

SO we got bit by the bug and recovered pretty ok.. Well the girls did, I had a rough time and so did Aiden but the girls seemed to bite the bug right back and got rid of it pretty fast.
Morgan now has a cough and a runny nose, but she is seems to be ok for the most part and the cough is getting better. There sleeping is getting better too. THANK GOD!
I still can't imagine them going to bed at 7 and sleeping til 7am lime some parents tell me there kids do. I don't think I'd like the 7 to 7 shift anyways. Right now they go to sleep by midnight most nights, if I am really really lucky then they will go down about 10:30 and sleep 4 or 5 hours then wake to eat and go back to sleep for another 4 to 5 hours. That I can deal with. It's the wake up every two hours and stay awake or cry and scream til we hold them that I can't deal with at 4am..

So for all you out there that say it gets better.. Guess what, it does.. Although it's still not the best schedule, it's better then it was.

They go back to the pedi next month and I am anxious to see how much they weigh and how long they are. Riley at this point has what looks to be about 3 inches on Morgan. She is sooo long and weighs I think about the same Morgan weighs.

I stood on the scale with them and they came in about 18 pounds so we will see. I joke and say Morgan is going to be my little person and Riley will be about 6 foot 5.

Morgan also does really well holding on to my fingers and standing up. It's amazing how strong she is, they are growing so fast. Riley on the other hand may be longer but she will not stand at all. I could hold her all day long and she just goes limp like a noodle and laughs at me. This is how she got her new nickname.. NOODLE!! Morgan I call SPIKE cause of her hair... lol

SO that is about it. We are still house hunting, and have been spending a lot of time down at my parents and with my dad because his health is really bad now so i want him to be able to see the kids as much as he can before he passes. The sad part is the kids are too little to remember him, and as much as me and my dad have had our differences, he loves my kids.

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