Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21, 2007

My appt yesterday went well. My cervix has not changed since my last ultrasound and is still measuring 3 and a half.. (Anything over 2 is good)
The heartbeats of the girls are good and strong and both seem to be active. I think Riley is more active then Morgan (it use to be the other way around) but I feel them both, usually not at the same time, unless Riley is kicking her sister to say hello.

I am 21 weeks today and see the doctor in 3 weeks, which means I see the doctor when I am exactly 24 weeks and that is when all hell broke loose with Aiden.. Fingers crossed X !

I also got to pick my C-section date, so you may notice that the counter clock has been changed. We wanted October 1st, it's my little brother's 21st birthday, but since I will be a few days shy of 35 weeks she wanted to bump up the date. She wanted me at least 36 weeks if the girls will hang out that long, so the new date is Oct 11th. I will actually be 37 weeks that day and I'm scheduled for the O.R. at 11:30am. The joke is by noon time I will be a mother of 3.. Ha HA

It's still scary.. Everyone keeps asking me who is going to come stay with us and help for a little while, or if we are going to have a nanny part time or a sitter just to get the everyday things done. Well the answer is, to be honest, as much as family loves us, no one is coming to stay and no one will be here but me and Chuck. My mom will probably come a few days since I will be healing from a c-section, but thats about it.
It's on us, 3 kids in diapers.. Aiden will be exactly 16 months old and we will have two newborns.. Ok now I am really scaring myself again.. LOL but what can ya do. I didn't ask for twins or plan twins, it just happened, and well in it's own way it's a blessing and I welcome my girls with all my heart. I love them both just as much as I love Aiden and although I am far from perfect and I am sure not the best super dooper mom in the world, I will do my best to have patience and love and care for the 3 of them. That's all I can do. Well... Unless someone wants to come stay with us, or pay for a nanny, or I will the lottery.. Hmmm i don't think any of those will happen so as i always say.. SUCK IT UP! ha haha

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