Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, April 21, 2007

April 21, 2007

SO here's up update... I feel great, like I never had a procedure done... Oh wait that is because I didn't.. I got bumped.. After sitting there for a few hours, not having water or food for about 13 plus, my doctor comes out fuming.. Yes she was angry! Someone had moved me on the schedule to Thursday and never informed her. THe rescheduled someone else for 1:30, who in fact got bumped too due to an emergency delivery. So I drank about a half a bottle of water in 2.2 seconds and inhaled a south beach peanut butter bar and we talked.
NOW.. the plan was to come in this morning at 8 AM and I am scheduled for 9 AM!.. Ugh!!
No eating or drinking after midnight, which is not as bad as last time, and hopefully all will go off with out an issue this time. So that was my day. A field trip to the hospital to pay for parking so I could sit there and starve myself.. Fun eh? Not really.. And today I get to do it all over again.. Just think now I'll have to take Tuesday off of work too.. Oh what a shame.. ha ha

Well wish me luck for attempt number 2.. and I will be sure to post as soon as I can.. Right now I am off to the shower and then to the hospital.. Oh how exciting LOL..

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