Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 29, 2007

No new news to bring to the table.. (Sorry Jen) lol
I don't go for another check up until the 5th (a week from today) and I am seeing the midwife again and not the doc. I assume after that they will have me going every week for my last 5 weeks but I really don't know.
So far all is going well. The belly is getting bigger which means the girls are getting bigger. I still can't believe I will be 31 weeks tomorrow. Chuck finally got to feel one of them kick and a friend got to feel one have the hiccups. It's fun to share with others. I still stare atmy belly and watch them move and wiggle when they are super active.

I also don't remember who asked in there comment if I still see the same midwife who told me to only gain 14 pounds. Umm NO! She was a stand in for the midwife who works directly with my doctor. She works for the other doctor in the practice and yes I am glad I don't see her or she'd have me on a diet. LOL
I haven't gained much weight, I don't think. I was 226 at my last appt. Remember I am about 6 feet tall too so i don't look my weight. I was 213 when I got pregnant, lost weight and went down to 205 and then after a while got back to 213. I believe that is where they start counting my weight gain. As of today I am 231 on my scale, so that is a 19 pound weight gain at 31 weeks with twins.. Not so bad if I say so myself and believe me there are days (or should I say nights) that I chow. Some mornings I will admit I forget to eat and then I'll have a protein bar or something to make up for it. I don't do it on purpose, but once I do eat something, no matter what time it is, that is the start of me wanting to eat every 2 or 3 hrs til bed time. It's crazy but hey who is complaining.. Food is good, aslong as it's not making me queezy and I still get that was with some things like eggs. i love eggs but it never fails, I have to take my nausa meds every time I eat them or it's not pretty..

Well other then that, things are the same at this end... I will be sure to update atmy next appt or if anything happens from now til then. Or who knows I may just need to vent before hand ha ha..

1 comment:

Sarah Furlough said...

YAY!!! 31 weeks, unbelievable! Keep up the great work, you are such an inspiration to me!