Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 20, 2007

34 Weeks and 3 weeks to go!!!! It's flying by, the cribs are in and just need to be picked up. I got the bedding all set, the girls clothes are washed. folded and put away waiting. A few more things to organize and it's just a waiting game..
I see the doc tomorrow so I will update then on the girls size and all.. 20 days and about 12 hours.. LOL WOW!!! I'm still in shock!


Rachel said...

Before you know it you'll be cuddling your little babies! Brings back memories that's for sure. You'll have to post pictures of the girls room when it's complete. Take care and get as much rest as possible =-)

Thinking of you


jenfrp said...

Soooooo excited for you. You are doing awesome, hang in there :)

Can't wait to see pics of the rooms. You are seriously organised!!!
