Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, October 11, 2007

October 11, 2007

Today was the day I was scheduled for a c-section to have the girls. Instead I am preparing for Morgan to come home tomorrow from the NICU, and just got the word that Riley has decided to step it up and should be home either Saturday or Sunday.

How excited am I??? VERY !!!

I am now thinking of the million things I need, want, and have to have done before tomorrow. House cleaned to MY LIKING, the bedroom organized, the changing table moved, all laundry done, and the car vacuumed. Yeah the last one is just a pet peeve that has been annoying me cause it's messy and I hate it. I deal with it, and part of it being messy is my own fault but it still erks me, ya know.

So that is the news. I am still flying high.. It's killing the ache of not being able to go see them tonight and having to leave there last night 5 minutes after I got there cause Aiden was with a sitter and having a fit. It's not like him to just cry and cry and that is what he did.. Cried and cried and cried, so I left the girls knowing there ok and went to rescue my little man. I got there and he was a bit whiny but once we got home he was ok, until he got super over tired then he was a beast to get to bed.. UGH
I do believe my baby boy (who is not so little anymore) had his first episode of separation anxiety and missed his mommy.

For having a rough day yesterday, today has some what made up for it. Morgan will be home tomorrow and Riley this week end. Our family will all be under the same roof, how much better can it get. (Well unless someone has the lottery numbers they can share with me?? Hmmm )


Jennifer said...


I can't wait to hear they're home! :)

Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...

Such awesome news...I bet you can't wait! Get some good sleep tonight!!!!!